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Neal Schurer
P.O. Box 58
Amana, IA 52203
319-622-3214 WORK
Iowa Senate District 30
Republican Challenger

  1. Do you think we are winning the War on Drugs?


  2. Do you support legislation to allow patients under a doctor's supervision to use marijuana for medical conditions?


  3. Do you favor a legal distinction between marijuana and hard drugs?


  4. What is your position on the use of alcohol and tobacco?


  5. Do you think Congress should establish a blue-ribbon commission to evaluate national drug policy?

    Not sure.

  6. Are you interested in participating in the discussion and development of drug policy?

    Not sure.

Neal Schurer
Iowa Senate District 30 Candidate
Drug Policy Forum of Iowa

We are a country without hope. We can see the effects of hopelessness in our families, our schools, and our communities. I am a firm believer that we as a people need to return to our moral and ethical roots.

We would all like to live in a country where we care about one another. Not just saying so, but once again doing so. Our current government has grown to mammoth proportions and has virtually rendered the neighborhood, the school, and the church ineffective and without authority.

It is my belief and hope that our country's government will come to see the error of its ways and reduce its size in short order. Government programs are not always the answer to our social problems.

We, as individuals, hold the key to social healing. When I, as a Sunday School teacher, see a child who is wandering from the path, I have a moral and ethical obligation to take that child by the hand and direct them back to their rightful place in society. When a teacher sees a student in need of love and guidance, he/she has a moral and ethical obligation to get involved in that child's life to make a difference. When the pastor of a church sees a family without food, he/she has a moral and ethical obligation to feed them.

We have spent the past forty years or more abdicating our moral and ethical obligations to the Federal Government. Those obligations do not belong on the Federal Government's shoulders, they belong on the citizen's shoulders, both collectively and individually.

I conclude by recommending a 're-teaching' of American minds. Teaching, once again, from the American classrooms and the American pulpits, the glory of personal responsibility. The fact that there are moral and ethical absolutes which dare not be violated because the consequences are dire. Until our hearts and minds change, we cannot hire enough policemen to keep the lawlessness in check. We cannot build enough prisons to house the criminals in a licentious society.

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