April 5 to 24, 1926

Title Page
Original Table of Contents
Members of the Committee
Introductory Remarks
Statement of Hon. William Cabell Bruce, A Senator in the Congress of the United States from the State of Maryland
Statement by Hon. Walter E. Edge, A Senator in the Congress of the United States from the State of New Jersey
Statement of Julien Codman, Hamilton, Mass., Representing the Joint Legislative Committee which represents the American Federation of Labor, the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, the Moderation League (Inc.) of New York, and the Constitutional Liberty League of Massachusetts.
Further Statement by Hon. Walter E. Edge
Testimony of Gen. Lincoln C. Andrews, Assistant Secretary in Charge of Customs, Coast Guard, and Prohibition, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC
Testimony of Hon. Emory R. Buckner, United States Attorney, Southern District of New York
NEW Statement of Hon. William S. Vare, A Representative in the Congress of the United States from the State of Pennsylvania
NEW Testimony of Judge Alfred J. Talley, Court of General Sessions of the State of New York.
NEW Testimony of Dr. William C. Woodward, Representative of the American Medical Association.
NEW Testimony of Hudson Maxim, Inventor of Maxim Gun, smokeless cannon powder and maximite a high explosive.
NEW Testimony of Hon. Emory R. Buckner--- Resumed, United States Attorney, Southern District Of New York.
NEW Testimony of Mr. William Roberts, Representing the President of the American Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C.
NEW Testimony of William J. McSorley, President of The Building Trades Department, American Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C.
NEW Testimony of Andrew Furuseth, President of The International Seamen's Union of America, San Francisco, Calif.
NEW Testimony of James O'connell, President of The Metal Trades Department of The American Federation of Labor
NEW Testimony of John T. Frey, President Ohio State Federation of Labor
NEW Testimony of Henry F. Hilfers, Secretary New Jersey State Federation of Labor, Newark, N. J.
NEW Testimony of John Sullivan, President of The New York State Federation of Labor
NEW Testimony of Francis William Russell, President Moderation League of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
NEW Statement of Hon. James X. Mead, A Representative in the Congress of the United States, Forty-second District of New York
NEW Statement of Sir William Stavert, Former Member of The Quebec Liquor Commission, Montreal, Canada
NEW Testimony of Matthew Woll, President of The International Photo-Engravers' Union and Vice President of The American Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C.
NEW Government Liquor Control Act, 1923-24 (Canada)
(more to come)

Charts and Graphs
Deaths Due to Alcohol, Cook County 1910-1926